How to Choose Inflatable Pool Animals for Hot Summer Days

endless kids fun with inflatable pool animals

Teaching kids how to swim or get over their fear of water might be a big challenge. Some kids are naturally drawn to water, while others are scared and need some time to relax. If you’re a parent who wants to teach their kid how to swim or introduce them to the pool, especially during hot summer days, you’re probably eyeing some inflatable pool animals. They look fun and will help your kid feel safe and protected in the water.

Let Your Kid Choose

If your kid is old enough (four or five or older) let them pick the inflatable animal by themselves. You’ll come across many varieties such as lions, sea lions, bears, giraffes, you name it. Let the kid pick the one they like the best. Of course, the inflatable should be safe for them and suitable for their age and skills.

Toddlers should use inflatable animal rings that will stay around their waist. It’s a good idea if the ring comes with a seat, so the child will remain safe and above water at all times. This way you can easily introduce the kid to the pool and always be sure they won’t slip into the water.

Older children can also benefit from inflatable rings with seats; if your kid is six or seven years of age and can’t swim or isn’t the best swimmer, it’s a good idea to invest in such an inflatable.

summer fun with inflatable pool animals

Racer or Rider?

Besides rings that are perhaps the most common choice among inflatable pool animals, you’ll come across racers and riders. They come in various shapes and sizes and animal types. The main difference is that racers are meant for fun and aren’t so suitable for non-swimmers. Children love them since they are a true delight when it comes to pool games.  As the name suggests, the racer will motivate kids to race in the pool and enjoy every minute spent in water. Even if the racer isn’t used for racing, it can work for keeping balance and building up strength and muscles, which is important for kids.

The riders are larger than racers and are suitable for both kids and adults. Of course, adults should make sure to get a much larger rider so they can balance on it without sinking in. Riders are cool and aesthetically pleasing and will make your pool chilling even better. Children love them as they can relax and rest on them, but can also float, jump and play with them. They are a great way for children to learn how to swim, just by holding onto them with their hands.

Safety Tips

Inflatables are surely fun and can ease the swimming learning process for many kids and adults, however, you should always be careful. Inflatable pet toys are slippery and can easily lead to falling into the water. To be sure that no accident happens, make sure to always supervise your children when they are in the pool with their inflatables. Even if your kids know how to swim, make sure to keep an eye on them and be nearby just in case.

When buying these inflatable animals always keep age ranges and weight limits in mind. Floating inflatables designed for older kids might be too heavy for younger children; poor or non-swimmers might not be able to move if they become trapped underneath. Never overload inflatable pool pets with the excess weight of too many people. These inflatables are designed to hold one person’s tops; if it’s stated otherwise, make sure that the users are evenly matched so there is no tripping over.

Inspect the inflatable toys before use. Make sure they are fully inflated and free from air leaks and there are no sharp objects like sticks or rocks nearby. It’s not necessary to say that the user shouldn’t carry sharp objects near the inflatable.  When heading into the pool with the inflatable the user shouldn’t wear jewellery, shoes and eyeglasses.

different types and sizes of inflatable pool animals

Always keep your eyes on the children near the water and make sure none of these inflatable toys blocks your view. They can often be large enough to ‘hide’ the kid so you aren’t able to spot what’s happening. When deflated, store the inflatable in a safe place so there is no risk of damage by sharp objects, sunlight or animals.

Can Inflatables Be Used in the Ocean?

Even though many people use inflatables in an open body of water, it’s not a smart idea to use them. The strong currents can easily swipe the inflatable out and you might not be able to reach it. In case you allow your kid to get in the ocean with an inflatable, be always near them and never let them go far.

Always Be Alerted

Even if your kid doesn’t fear water, it doesn’t mean that they should remain unattained. Never get too far from your kid, no matter if they have an inflatable ring, racer or rider. All it takes is a little panic to take over them (a little slipping underwater and swallowing some water) for an accident to happen. For young kids, it’s best to be in pools with shallow water.

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