How to Keep Your Baby Entertained

picture of a woman sitting on the floor playing with a baby beside her

The first year of a baby’s life can be a challenge, especially when it comes to keeping the little one entertained. They want attention, they want to move and they want to touch everything! It’s true that an infant is a bundle of joyful chaos at this stage. Most babies are born with seemingly endless supplies of energy, which can be overwhelming for you as a new parent. Luckily there are many ways you can keep your little one entertained and happy.

Baby Toys are Great for Development

picture of a baby on a playpens on a bed surrounded with toys
source: RODNAE Productions on pexels

The first year of your baby’s life will be a time of tremendous growth and development, and their senses will play a crucial role in this process. It’s a good idea to choose toys that will maximise your baby’s use of these senses during the first year because it can really help them kick off their development by encouraging the use of their senses.

Buy baby toys that can help them kick off their development by encouraging the use of their senses. Bright colors and fun sounds are particularly appealing to babies in the first year, and these things will help them make sense of the world around them.

Baby toys also help your sweetheart learn about cause and effect, which can give them a sense of empowerment as they realise that they can change things by interacting with their environment. A key developmental milestone is when they realise that objects continue to exist even when they can’t see or hear them, so using toys that hide or move when your baby’s not looking will help them learn this important lesson

Rattles and other moving toys are great for helping babies understand cause and effect as they watch the toy make noise or move when they shake it. Don’t forget the classics! Buy baby toys such as finger puppets, soft books, stacking cups and musical instruments since they will also help your little one learn while they play.

A lot of infant toys are designed to stimulate the senses in different ways, so you’ll have no trouble finding lots of different items that keep your little one entertained during the first year!

And most importantly, remember to allow your child to explore the environment around him or her. Babies love a chance to crawl around, investigate different toys and surfaces, and even interact with other people. This helps the baby develop an understanding of the world around them, so it’s a great pastime for both parent and infant.

Singing or Talking to Them

picture of mother holding her baby and smiling
source: Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Most babies love and feel comforted by their parents’ voices, so singing or talking to them is a great way to keep them entertained.

One option is to sing one of their favourite lullabies backwards. If you know your baby’s favourite tune, try singing it in reverse! The general idea with this is that the more syllables you have, the easier it is for your baby to understand what you’re saying. For example, “do-si-do” is easier than “twinkle twinkle little star,” and “a-tisket a-tasket” is easier than “hush little baby.”

Whatever you choose to sing, make sure you’re keeping the beat and not making it too fast or too slow. Your baby will appreciate the effort, and you’ll be able to calm it down without having to spend hours swaying and shh-ing.

Use a Mobile Above Their Crib

picture of a colorful baby toys above crib
source: Markus Spiske on pexels

Consider putting up a mobile above the crib and setting it to move at a slow pace. You can buy the mobile or make it yourself.

Try looking for mobiles that have soft colours and things that hang from them or rotate. The idea is to keep your baby’s attention for as long as possible without distracting them from their nap time or sleep time.

A mobile is a great way to help your baby develop an interest in things around them. They will begin to become fascinated with all the colours and movement around them, which will help develop their sight and motor skills.

You can also try using other types of things that have different colours and shapes like stuffed animals or toys that they can grab onto while they are sitting up in their cribs. If you are having trouble finding things, then consider looking online for some great ideas on what you can use for your own nursery.

Take Walks in the Stroller and Give Them a Change of Scenery

picture of a father with his baby in a stroller in front a lake beside mountains and a house
source: Tatiana Syrikova on Unsplash

Another way to get your baby to stop fussing when you’re out is to give him/her a change of scenery. This is especially true for babies that are in the first few months of life. If you are unable to change the scenery, try taking a toy that your baby is already familiar with out of the stroller and giving it to them, then putting it back in.

Where do you go? Well, any place that has a lot of people and noise will probably do the trick. Shopping malls are ideal places as there are lots of new sights and sounds for your baby to experience. The more crowded and noisier a place is, the better it will be for getting your baby’s attention away from the fact that he or she is stuck in a stroller.

If the weather is warm enough, take a walk around your neighbourhood or park. Even when it’s cold outside, you can bundle them up and take them for a walk. Fresh air is bound to improve your mood.

Organize Playdates

picture of two kids in a room sitting on the floor and playing with toys
source: cottonbro on pexels

The first year of a baby’s life is a time for parents to bond with their children. The best way to do this is by organizing playdates with other parents and children. This allows you to get to know the other parents as well as the child. It’s also a great way to let your child interact with other children, which can help build their social skills in the future.

How to organize playdates:

If you have friends or neighbours with children, invite them over for dinner, drinks or something else that doesn’t require too much work on your part. Then, once they’ve all arrived, just sit back and let the kids play!

If you don’t have any friends who have kids, try joining online groups of other parents in your area. There are several websites that act as online communities where you can organize playdates and meet other parents.

Also, local parks often have events on weekends or afternoons where parents can come together and play with their children. These could be a great way to meet new people who also have young kids!

To Sum Up

picture of a woman sitting on a blanket on the floor holding a baby
source: Keira Burton on pexels

When you need to keep your little one entertained, try mixing up the five suggestions above. For example, go for a walk in the stroller. Or, attempt a new game like peek-a-boo with your baby. No matter what methods you choose to entertain your baby with, rest assured that as long as your baby is happy, you will be happy.

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