Cricket Gear Buying Guide

cricket gear

Cricket. This is the name of England’s premier summer sport, a bat-and-ball game whose object is for one side to score more runs than the other. A game which is often described as a cross between baseball and chess. Being one of oldest sport if not the oldest modern-day sport nowadays, cricket has found devotees, followers and lovers in countries across the globe, including Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. This batting sport has many benefits for the body and brain, including improved balance and flexibility as well as coordination and social skills. Since cricket is a team sport, you also learn how to collaborate with others to achieve one mutual goal.

While cricket is enjoyable and beneficial, this sport activity can be dangerous without the right gear. Whether you are batting or just a wicket-keeper, matches are fiercely competitive at every level, and hence your stamina and endurance levels are put on a test. Therefore, it’s important to adhere to health and safety guidelines. This includes having protective gear so that you stay safe and reach optimum performance levels.

Essential Cricket Equipment

Cricket Equipment

It’s of utmost importance to have the right kind of cricket equipment to keep you safe. For cricket enthusiasts, having the right kit is necessary to elevate the game to the next level. And as there is an abundance of quality cricket stores, buying cricket gear is quite easy nowadays. You will find all the essential cricket equipment in a cricket Australia shop online or in the local store nearby.

So what do you need to play a cricket? If you are just looking to have a fun game of cricket, all you need is some comfy, loose-fitting clothes and trainers, and of course, a bat and a (soft) ball. But if you are playing a hard ball cricket, you need a bit more gear. A bat and ball are essential along with batting pads, gloves and a helmet that provide protection and support. Next up, you need appropriate cricket clothing and shoes that ensure explosive performance.

Whether you are a professional cricketer taking up 11-a-side hard-ball cricket, or a youngster just starting out, here is the most essential cricket equipment a batsman needs:

A Cricket Bat

cricket bat

The first thing you will need is a cricket bat, of course. Whether you are junior playing cricket in school, or professional club cricketer, it’s important to choose the right bat for a proper technical development and success in the field. And while a good bat is the key to it all, it can be tricky to pick one. What style, weight and price? There is a wide range of cricket bats that cater to all levels and abilities. Gray-Nicolls, for example, has produced the highest quality hand-made cricket bats for centuries, but there are also some other brands that offer a wide range of cricket bats at reasonable price. Whatever your game, whatever your style, there is a bat for everyone.

When choosing your bat, make sure is not too long or too heavy otherwise your performance will be compromised. It’s best to feel the bat before deciding to buy it. Also, consider willow grade and the type of wood the bat is made of. Cricket bats are typically made of two different types of wood, that is, Kashmir and English willow. The latter is quite more expensive but therefore better and higher performance when striking the ball. The willow grade determines the performance of the bat. Starting from 1 to 5, a lower number grade is regarded as being of better quality. .


gloves for cricket

Next up, you need some gloves. A good pair of cricket batting gloves is absolutely necessary to protect your hand, but especially fingers which are vulnerable and it wouldn’t take much for one to break if you were to play with bare hands. And while protection is key when it comes to gloves, it shouldn’t come at the cost of inconvenience and compromise your ability to flex and maneuver your hands. In other words, cricket gloves should feel comfortable to wear. You will need to pay attention to how they fit your hands and whether they have proper ventilation. Opt for gloves with high-density foam as well as ones made of shock-absorbing materials.

Batting Pads

Batting Pads for cricket

When it comes to cricket protective gear, one immediately thinks of pads. Fast bowling can hurt when it hits you, so you will want to wear a good pair of batting pads. Like gloves, pads provide a great deal of protection if not more. Aside from being protective, they should also be comfortable, lightweight and easy to put on. The batting pads you choose should be the lightest but also the most protective ones you can afford. And there are generally two types of pads: cane-cored pads with low-density foam, and pure or high-density pads. While the latter is lighter and makes it easier to run, the former provides extra protection.

A Helmet

helmet for cricket

A helmet is a must have item for cricket players to ensure their safety during the match. A cricket helmet with proper padding is necessary to protect their heads from the incoming ball. In addition to being protective, fits properly. A good fitting helmet will have a chin strap so it stays in place. It’s important to choose the right helmet for you as it will not only protect you but it will make things more comfortable.

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